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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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Katie Grazer

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Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2019

Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2020

In this Guide, I want to share the Best Tips to grow your Instagram in 2020 “Hands-On”!

I am really going into detailed strategies that will help you outperform on Instagram. Instagram has shared the factors which determine how well your posts perform and people are going nuts about it.

Now how can you use this knowledge to create a strategy which is working for you and making the best of your precious time!

You can read more about the determining factors of Instagram’s Algorithm in my post on “6 Tips to Beat the Instagram Algorithm”.

Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:

Click here to subscribe

The post is structured according to the three main determining ranking factors

  1. Interest (Identifying your Niche)
  2. Recency (How to be consistent on Instagram) and
  3. Relationship (Increase Engagement on your Account)

Here are my Best Tips to grow your Instagram in 2020

1. Interest (Identifying your Niche)

Interest is the No.1 factor determining your success on Instagram. This basically means you need to be more specific in what you are posting to serve your target audience.

This is especially difficult for those of us whose Instagram has just developed over time and we are serving a very broad group of people. However, if we want to continue to grow we need to identify our main niche and focus on that. So here are the Best Tips to grow your Instagram I can give you:

a. Align your Tribe and replicate successful Posts

You want to identify the topic people are most interested about in your feed. You can easily identify posts which have outperformed others by clicking the little bar sign on Instagram. It will give you analytics about which posts performed well (most likes and comments). Once you have identified this your most successful posts you want to replicate them! Post images which serve the interest of your audience!

The Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2019

b. Include relevant Keywords in your Name

A great idea is to include relevant keyword within your Bio Name. You can edit your Bio Name to something like “Linda Smith | Travel on a Budget”. This way you show up in the search results for travel when someone is searching for travel on Instagram. A lot of people miss out on this hack but it’s one of the Best Tips to grow your Instagram!

The Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2019

c. Include relevant Keywords in your Bio

Similar to what we said with the Name, you also want to include niche relevant keyword in your Bio description. Including all those Keyword re-ensures Instagram that you are really focusing on that niche “Interest” which is so important. Furthermore, when people visit your Feed for the first time they immediately know what you are all about!

d. Use Link Tree

If you are present on various Social Media and you own a Blog which is ALL RELATED TO THE SAME TOPIC, you may want to include a LinkTree within your Bio. Link Tree is a free service that opens up a new window where you can include several links on your profile.

Instagram allows only one single link to be included. This means we have to think about very carefully where we want people to lead to. Maybe we do have various channels which are focusing on your niche then you can set up a LinkTree. However, I can’t stress this enough: only link to relevant media to keep our “Interest” focused!

The Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2019
The Best Tips to Grow your Instagram in 2019

2. Recency (How to be consistent on Instagram)

One of the best tips to grow your Instagram in 2020 is to be consistent on Instagram. Social Media is fast moving, and Instagram wants to provide its users with new and recent content all the time. This is why you should follow a consistent schedule of posting at least once a Day (preferably more) but to be consistent is more important.

Here are my best tips to grow your Instagram by posting a recent post consistently.

Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:

Click here to subscribe

a. Use Instagram Schedulers

I am always using a scheduler to post on Social Media and Instagram is no exception here. Scheduling your content means planning what and when you want to post on Instagram. Once you have set this up, a scheduler such as Tailwind automatically posts your pic at ideal times to your Instagram account. This way, you don’t have to think about the timing of your post every single day plus it saves you a lot of time.

Tailwind automatically chooses the optimal time to post by analyzing hundreds of thousands of posts and determines this way when the post should go out. You can start using Tailwind here. Or you can read more on “Lifesaving Automation Tools for Social Media” in another post of mine!

Instagram Scheduler

b. Seasonality

When we are thinking recency and interest, one of the best tips to grow your Instagram could be to follow our yearly seasonal calendar. If you are a travel Instagrammer you might want to post more about the perfect winter escapes around Christmas or the perfect Summer Honeymoon escapes. This way you are never running out of ideas, you are serving your niche plus you are always talking about a topic that is relevant and recent!

Here is an Example of Zoe Suggs Instagram (Zoella from YouTube). Her autumn-themed Instagram is legendary!

c. Declutter your Image Library on your Phone + Computer

As we are all busy bees, there are times when we have more time to produce content and other times when there is so much other stuff going on. That’s why one of the best tips to grow your Instagram could be to declutter you image Library on your Phone and Computer. I don’t know about you but I have collected more than 40’000 images throughout the years. This is more than enough to keep my Instagram running for the next 10 years!

The real problem is, it’s just not sorted and a huge mess! If I had a sorted library I could just skim through my library when looking to scheduling my Instagram posts for the week and would have more than enough to post. I suggest creating subfolders for each and every topic your images are about. This way you easily find something if you are looking for a specific topic, season or theme.

d. Run an Instagram account with your Best Friend

Another one of the best tips to grow your Instagram could be to share your Instagram Account with your Best Friend. This way you share the credit, yes, but you also share the responsibility. As time is what we all have too little of, it for sure can make sense to share the time investment we need to make to post regularly on Instagram. If you have a friend who shares the same passion, why not build your Instagram Empire together?

3. Relationship (Increase Engagement on your Account)

Building a strong relationship is the last most important algorithm factor you need to focus on to succeed on Instagram! Below are some of the best tips to grow your Instagram using Captions, Emojis, Stories, and Geo-Tagging!

a. Utilize Captions

Captions are the text you Include below an image which you post on your Instagram Feed. There are very creative ways to increase your relationship with your Audience by creating engaging captions. Here are my best tips:

  • Tell a Story: It’s not only your imagery with which you want to convince someone to follow you on Instagram – but it’s also you as an individual! It’s called social media for a reason! Be social! One idea is to tell a story, what is the story which surrounds this image, and what happened to you at that moment. Share your thoughts and experiences with your followers!
  • Ask Questions: Questions are great to increase engagement on your posts. You don’t have to have the answer to every question and situation on the planet. You can also engage your audience by letting them share their knowledge, experience, and expertise with you!
  • Motivational Quotes: Quotes are great to increase your relationship with your audience! I love reading funny work-related Quotes about Monday’s and Friday’s. Anything which could sweeten up your follower’s day.
  • Enter Text using Tailwind: Especially if you love writing long captions I suggest to write them on your computer instead of your Phone. It takes too much time and when we are already scheduling our posts with Tailwind, it’s just very time efficient to also include your captions in the program at the same time!
  • Use Emojis: Always use Emojis in every single Caption you write. Emojis can increase your engagement and build a strong relationship. Remember people can’t hear you say the word and it’s hard to interpret a text without giving more context. Emojis are great to emphasize if you are using for eg. Sarcasm. Another point could be to have your signature Emoji or using Emojis to draw attention to a specific part of your caption which is particularly important!

b. Sara Agency

If you’re looking for a way to increase engagement on your Instagram account without the time and expense of hiring an in-house social media manager, look no further than Sara Agency. Starting at $9.99 per week, Sara offers an easy-to-use interface, real-time growth statistics, and Instagram experts available to optimize your activity so that you can sit back and watch your account grow. With the ability to target users through traits such as gender, location, and who they follow, you’ll be able to attract real people who are truly interested in your product.

They have three plans to choose from, which are made to fit the needs of everyone from bot beginners to experienced users who want a more tailored service from their automation software. If you’re still on the fence about trying Sara, you can click here to sign up for a free three-day trial, available for any plan, to see which of the three fits your needs the best.

c. Use matching Hashtags

You can use up to 30 Hashtags in each and every post. One of the best tips to grow your Instagram is to use “targeted, specific and niche related” Hashtags! Especially if you want to grow your Instagram, you want people to find you but moreover, you want the “right people to find you!

I am using the Tailwind Hashtag Finder 2.0. on every single post, I make. It’s my favorite Tailwind feature of them all :). Once you have written your caption, you start adding two to three Hashtags. After that, Tailwind gives you suggestions of Hashtags related to the Text you wrote and Hashtags you already used. The Hashtag suggestions are color-coded giving you more information on how often they are being used and how competitive they are! You want to use a mix of niche and successful Hashtags on every post to attract the right audience who will love you and your feed!

use instagram to grow blog

d. Get the best out of Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is the best way to build a relationship with your audience period! It’s so personal and that’s why a lot of people are struggling with it. On the other hand, it’s also why it’s so freaking amazing and people will love it.

One of the best tips to grow your Instagram is to post several times a day to your Instagram Stories. This way you are continuously popping up on your Audience’s screen. Moreover, Instagram and Social Media, in general, are all prioritizing video content. This means Instagram favors video over images. This is why we want to use this knowledge to engage our followers even more! Here are some ideas:

  • Variety of Posts: You can post several different things to your stories over the course of one day – such as images, slow motions, and videos! Mix up your content for maximum effect!
  • Polls + Questions: Include Polls + Questions to even further increase the engagement between you and your audience. They want to hear, interact and connect with you!
  • Use Hashtags# and Mentions@ in your Stories: Instagram Stories gives you the chance to use one Hashtag and one Mention in your Story. I have seen tremendous spikes in views when choosing those two wisely as you will appear in those group stories as well!
  • Geo-Tag your Location: Maybe someone is flicking through a specific Story Hashtag on traveling in Mykonos. Always Geo-Tag your location if you are staying in a particularly cool place or you want to give credit to where you ate that amazing vegan Lunch! People love to engage in this because maybe they stayed at the same place too or you gave them some inspiration for their next trip!
  • Gifs are life: Gifs are those little moving images you can use to spice up your posts when using images in Instagram Stories. As we all love video so much, it’s great to boost our more “boring” posts such as images in stories with a funny or gorgeous Gif!

Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:

Click here to subscribe

e. Always reply to Comments

You want to respond to every single one of the comments you get, period! It’s really not ok to just leave your followers and visitors hanging once you have posted your image! It’s actually exactly at this moment when your real work starts! When we are using Tailwind to schedule our post, it gives us a lot more time to actually engage and follow up with our visitors!

We want to respond to their comments with a thank you or reply to a question and to engage them furthermore by asking a follow-up question! We want to spark a dialogue and create a true feeling of community! This is how you will hit the Jackpot on Instagram.

f. Live shows

My final but for sure one of the best tips to grow your Instagram in 2020 is to go live on Instagram. As mentioned before, Social Media loves “Video and out of all the video “Live Video” the most! Set up a schedule for when you are going live to your audience. Think about what you are going to talk about, don’t just go live and ramble! Layout a plan, write a script or ask your audience what they want to hear from you and do a Q&A session! What better way there is to engage and build a relationship with your audience than speaking to them face to face!

This is it, my friend. These are “The Best Tips to grow your Instagram in 2020”! What was your favorite tip out of the ones above? Do you have something to add? What was the most shocking part?

Comment down below NOW! Talk to you soon and all the best!

Xoxo Katie

Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:

Click here to subscribe

Other Instagram Post I wrote which might Interest you are:

The Best Ways to Get Instagram Followers in 2020

3 Ways to Rapidly Grow on Instagram if you are just starting out!

How to use the Instagram Hashtag Tool

25 Best Props to create a gorgeous Instagram Feed

How to use Instagram Challenges to grow Subscribers

Why you are losing Followers on Instagram + the Solutions

How to go Viral on Instagram with these 10 Foolproof tips!

45+ of the Best Instagram Tools to grow your Instagram

How to use Instagram to grow your Blog

6 Life-Saving Automation Tools for Social Media

Tips How to Beat the Instagram Algorithm

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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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