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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?


Learn how to leverage Pinterest to grow your Biz + Influence online!


Katie Grazer

Disclosure: *If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! *

Pinterest Marketing 101: How to promote Digital Products on Pinterest

Ever wondered how the world’s most successful digital product creators are using Pinterest to skyrocket their online sales? Yup, Pinterest is amazing for driving a ridiculous amount of clicks and traffic to your online business – it’s not dead or slowing down – It still works like crazy.

So, In today’s post, I’m going to give you the behind-the-scenes of my Pinterest Marketing 101 strategy that I have applied to my online business which has skyrocketed my digital product sales in only a few months. My business success 100% comes down to leveraging Pinterest – So I want you to tap into that goldmine too and make your very first digital product sales from pinning ASAP. Sounds good? Ok, cool, then let’s dive in.

How I discovered Pinterest Marketing for Business

So when I started blogging back in 2009, I think I was this happy, naive soul. I set up my blog, created my first few posts, and was just waiting for people to pour in, come say hi, and enjoy life with me on my blog. But that didn’t happen – did it? When I hit publish on my first few posts, absolutely no one showed up.

Zero – nada – crickets.

I thought I just had to post stuff on my website, and people would magically show up – well, they didn’t. I was crushed, and I just didn’t understand what was going on. Did my stuff just suck so bad? Did I do something wrong with the website – technically? Nope – here’s what happened:

No one knew I existed.

No one was seeing my things, finding my stuff – so it didn’t even matter whether I was putting out amazing content or things that sucked. It just disappeared into the vastness of the internet. And you know, maybe this sounds a little bit familiar. Let me know in the comments if you’ve posted something online, and literally, no one seems to even see it. It’s frustrating, right? Now, what I realized back then was that I needed to promote my content. “If you build it, they will come” – that’s just not true. So, what did I do? I put my head down and started to learn about marketing.

Yup, marketing – how to actually promote my stuff (free and paid) online to get in front of those people. And you might be saying, “I hate marketing,” or “I have no idea about marketing.” And I didn’t either. But here’s the thing: When I discovered Pinterest marketing to promote my free and paid content, everything started to change. Everything.

Suddenly, I started to see my numbers go up, my clicks growing, my audience growing, and with that, the sales of my digital products grew. Marketing and promoting your content, both free and paid, were crucial for building this business. So, if you were like me a couple of years back – and you’re thinking, “Oh my god, marketing – no way” – then I 100% know how you feel. But believe me, you’ve got this. Marketing, and specifically Pinterest marketing, is the best thing you can do for your content, for building an audience, and for selling more of your digital products.

Imagine what it would mean to you if you started seeing those Google Analytics numbers on your website go up day by day. Imagine what it would mean to receive that first email telling you someone had just purchased your digital course or eBook. I know what it meant for me – and believe me, this can be you too.

So before I jump into my A-Z strategy make sure to check out my totally FREE Freebie Download I created for you – The Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Starter Kit (PDF) (SIGNATURE). This guide really breaks down how to leverage Pinterest Marketing to promote your digital products and services and get started on Pinterest as a business.

  • I walk you through my easy Step-By-Step process on how to get started
  • It’s the perfect beginner overview of the whole process
  • The first steps I think are best for you to take next
  • And some sneaky strategy tips – that have helped me get started with Pinterest Marketing.
Click here to subscribe

Alright, now let’s jump into this. First of all…

Why Pinterest?

Why not Instagram, TikTok or Google?

What are some Advantages of Marketing on Pinterest, and why do I believe it’s the best, easiest, and fastest way to grow the traffic and income in your online business?

  • EASY – Pinterest is easy. Believe me. If you think about Google, it takes hundreds of posts and sometimes years to get some serious traffic. Not with Pinterest. Pinterest works for beginners. Only if you have a handful of posts and you can get results in like 90 days. Also
  • FREE – Also, Pinterest is 100% free organic traffic if you want to. The strategy I’m about to teach you requires you to spend zero dollars and get more clicks and people. Like when I started my online business – I didn’t have a ton of money for ads – and you don’t need to waste that money when you leverage Pinterest.
  • BEST ROI – Next, the ROI on Pinterest for your content is like 20x the ROI you get for other content you create for social. A pin can live on Pinterest for months, even years, and bring in traffic. Like, what’s the shelf life of an IG post – 24h? Like, If I’m taking the time out of my busy day, I want it to have the most effect and bring me the most traffic for as long as possible.
  • SEARCH vs. – CRAZY VIRAL ALGORITHM – And finally, Pinterest is a search engine, not a social media. This means you can forget about the overwhelm and the popularity contest and focus on actual strategies that are proven to work. Like forget about the latest viral trend or song – you can actually focus on things that work every single time.

I hope this fires you up and really shows you why Pinterest is so freaking amazing for promoting your business. Let’s really dive into how to use Pinterest to Promote Products + services. First, I’m diving into the entire flow of How Pinterest marketing works – and then I deep dive into Content Marketing and Pinterest Marketing with some actual strategies you can apply today.

Sounds good? Ok, cool, let’s dig in.

How to use Pinterest to Promote Digital Products and Services?

So, let me walk you through on a high level how marketing and Pinterest work together to get more traffic and sales for your online business!

  • Step 1: Content Marketing – You share a piece of content to your blog on your website. This post is the basis for your pins you share on Pinterest. So you write, film, or record your post, then you design your pins and then use the URL of that post as the link in your pin.
  • Step 2: Pinterest Marketing – People use the search function on Pinterest, and because you’ve optimized your pin for SEO with the strategies I’m teaching, your pin shows up because it’s relevant to their search. They want to learn more, so they click over.
  • Step 3: Now, They are blown away by the amazing free value you provide. People may even join your email list or consume more of your free content. Maybe you even leave them with a free gift or a quick win, which builds trust, and they actually get to know and like you.
  • Step 4: “And voila – the magic happens! You’ve built trust and established your expertise, and now your audience is practically begging you to work with them. You offer them your digital course, your coaching, or an ebook, and boom, Pinterest just grew your biz.

Now that’s like the high-level flow of Pinterest + content Marketing and how you use Pinterest to promote your digital periodic.

So let’s first deep dive into Content Marketing and then Pinterest Marketing and exactly how to use both to promote your digital products.

What is Content Marketing?

First of all, what the heck is content marketing anyway, and how can you use it for Pinterest and to grow your business? Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools you have in your business. You see when you create content, you’re not just throwing words or pictures out into the world. You’re actually trying to accomplish a few things:

First, creating content on your website provides value to your audience. You’re teaching them something new or helping them understand a complex topic. Your content can also inspire your audience. It should get them excited about the possibilities of what your business and products can offer. And lastly, content also helps you to connect with your audience. This includes personal transformational anecdotes or success stories of clients that show that you can actually deliver on what you sell.

Once you have your free content on your website, each piece of content can be the source for dozens of your pins. So, yup, I’m not spending hours on creating a long-form piece of content and then creating 1 single pin, and then that’s it. Nope, I’m literally leveraging this in-depth piece of content, and then I promote the heck out of it on Pinterest. So, literally designing pin after pin after pin.

And you might say, but that’s a lot of work. Well, honestly, creating pins is so much faster than creating an in-depth blog post or video. I even use pin templates, which means I can literally design dozens of pins in an hour and be done for months.

Long Form Content

Ok – So, what kind of content can you create as this basis for your pins? Basically, any type of long-form content can work: The most important thing is that it is dedicated to teaching people about your business and what you sell. So, for example – long-form content can be:

  • A 2000-word written blog post,
  • A 10min+ video you embed on your blog post + transcribe it.
  • Or how about an hour-long podcast episode that you again embed and, transcribe and add to your blog?

So, which one feels most natural to you? Let’s play to your strengths – choose the type of content creation that feels most natural to you. You want to embed those videos and episodes into your website because that’s where you ultimately have control and can manage what people see, lead people to your email list, or towards your digital product.

Like if you’re creating a YouTube channel, that’s great – you’re here. YT is one of my most successful channels – but I also have my website where I embed those videos. I don’t own YT. If YT decides to shut down, there’s nothing I can do about it. But I own my website. That’s why all traffic that I’m generating – I’m leading mainly to my website, where I host all my content as well as promote my products.

Ok, that’s content marketing. Now, how does this connect to Pinterest Marketing to promote your digital product?

What is Pinterest Marketing 101?

So now that you have your content ready. Let’s move on to the second part, Pinterest. Again, your content is the basis for your Pinterest marketing and to promote your product. So, each individual blog post or piece of content is the basis for your pins. You can either create pins that lead to your free content or eBook. It’s so important that you’re not overwhelming your audience with just pins leading to your paid products.

You want to serve free content that educates. I would think I do this about 80% of the time, and then 20% talk about my paid offers. So in those 20%, you can create pins leading straight to our products. Or because people will pour in from your free content, you can also talk about your paid products on your website, inside your free blog posts and videos, and your newsletter.

Next, you upload those pins to Pinterest. Every pin has its unique URL, so when people click on it, they land on your free content or they check out your product. That’s really how you grow your traffic. Those pins are optimized for SEO – so for Pinterest search. We don’t want to attract just random people but people who type in keywords and are looking for your solution.

So, as I mentioned in the beginning. Like social media, you never really know what’s about to happen. Like it could go viral if you use things trending sound in your reel. Or you couldn’t like there is so much guesswork involved and so many other factors. With Pinterest, if you apply my SEO strategies to your pins – you’re giving this pin a chance to rank every single time.

Pinterest SEO Strategies

So what are some SEO strategies you can apply to your pins?

First keywords are key! Make sure to add a relevant keyword like, for example, “Gardening Tips, Love coaching, Dog training,” that is relevant to your content and your business. Add this keyword to as many places as you can, for example, the pin title, the pin image, your content title, and your Pinterest board description.

Also, I highly recommend you start a Pinterest business account to promote your business. It’s completely free, but it unlocks a lot more features like analytics. And it shows Pinterest that you’re serious about this.

And my final tip here is that you want to use text on your pin design. Pinterest is not just about pretty pictures. You want to use big, bold text on your pin, letting people know exactly what they get when they click over. So again, think more like Billboards than inspirational images. This will all really help you get your pins in front of people, increase your clicks, and promote your online course or eBook.

Now again make sure to check out my totally FREE Freebie Download I created for you – The Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Starter Kit (PDF) (SIGNATURE). This guide really breaks down how to leverage Pinterest Marketing to promote your digital products and services and get started on Pinterest as a business.

  • I walk you through my easy Step-By-Step process on how to get started
  • It’s the perfect beginner overview of the whole process
  • The first steps I think are best for you to take next
  • And some sneaky strategy tips – that have helped me get started with Pinterest Marketing.
Click here to subscribe

And there you have it, my friend. 

Exactly how to use Content and Pinterest Marketing 101 to promote your digital products and grow the traffic and income in your online business.  I really hope this was helpful. Seriously, make sure to grab your guide – it’s so helpful to see this on paper and get down to business and, the most important thing of all, implement. And please, I’m here for you if you have any questions. I’m so grateful for this community here on YouTube, and I hope this video brought you a ton of new aha moments and takeaways. 

Now I’ll see you very soon in a brand new video – that’s it from me for today. You got this – and I believe in you!


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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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