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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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Katie Grazer

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The 5 most important Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs + Bloggers

The 5 most important Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs + Bloggers

Let’s talk about the “5 most important Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs and Bloggers” to get more things done in less time!

[bctt tweet=”We as entrepreneurs tend to be super excited one moment and feeling overwhelmed the next. There are thousands of task you have to do, strategies to implement and people to get back to and at times it can feel like too much.” username=””]

This is why I have made it my mission to read all about productivity and test different strategies which work for me as a blogger and entrepreneur in my everyday life!


Here are the 5 most important Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs + Bloggers:

1. Automation Tools

No 1. of my productivity tips for entrepreneurs + bloggers is automating as many business processes as possible. This has had the biggest impact on my productivity and biz success so far. The opportunity for automation is everywhere. I try to use modern technology to my advantage as much as I can.

These are the tools which have helped me automate my business:

  • Tailwind for Pinterest scheduling and auto-posting
  • Later for Instagram and Facebook auto-posting
  • Freshbooks to remind me when I have to send out my invoices
  • Drip and Leadpages to grow my email list and set up email automation


2. Getting Help

“Getting help” and hiring people for tasks you either don’t like to do or you am not particularly good at, could be something you are planning for the upcoming months.

At this moment I am hiring social media assistants or copywriters from Fiverr on an individual basis, but I am not yet at a point where I can afford to hire someone on a regular basis.

When working with clients, consulting them on any digital marketing topic, I can see how fast we achieve things. There is usually a team of 5-10+ people involved in moving the project forward and the business to the next level.

I love using Fiverr to get in touch with other like-minded people, working on a single task with them, but could you imagine hiring someone who shares your vision, complements your abilities and helps you move your biz to the future?

[bctt tweet=”Obviously, we as entrepreneurs tend to have a hard time delegating because we know exactly what is right for our businesses? But, are you really the best person for every single job your biz is throwing at you?” username=””]

You know, there are people out there who love doing the exact tasks you hate doing or just take you a ton of time and they do it with passion and fire?

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5 most important Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs + Bloggers


3. Batch working

Content Calendar

First, create a content calendar for your blog with every tiny little task you have to perform. This also includes subtasks like proofreading, adding links to blog posts, brainstorming and admin work. I wrote down everything I actually have to do and which takes up time.

What I realized when I did that was that if I continued to do my work the way I did, I would spend all my time creating content, but have no time to serve clients, implement new products or work on myself. I needed to change something! I googled all kinds of productivity hacks. Spend time getting quotes from people I could outsource and read a ton of books.

Then I came across the concept of “Batch Working”. One definition is provided by Scott Young explaining “ {Batch Work is to} Collect up to a group of similar activities and do them all at the same time. This is the main principle behind batching. You could collect up all your e-mail answering, household chores, reading assignments or phone calls and do them at one time”.

So what I took from that for my blog is that I could for example schedule writing all my blog content for the month in just one or two blocks a month! Writing blog post 1-6 in o batch and then the next day blog post 6 to 12 to arrive at my target content goal of 12 posts a month.

Batch Work

So, Second, you could batch create Pinterest pins all in one go. Do the post-editing of posts such as including links and graphics in another batch. And you guys, this is exactly how I wrote and scheduled this month’s blog posts!

Can you remember when this blog has posted 12 consecutive posts in a month? Ahhmmm NEVER?

Batch Working has finally been a strategy which works to get things done and I know it can work for you too!


4. Time Blocking

In order for you to “Batch Work” on one topic, you need to block time for it.

This is especially hard for me because I get easily distracted. Moreover, when I have a busy day with loads of meetings in my schedule, I personally find it super hard to use time in between to focus on something else. I am still not the best at time blocking but this is an example of how I use this strategy:

  • I write my monthly blog posts within two days. On those days, I only focus on writing content (just the writing nothing else).
  • Wednesday’s are usually reserved for face-to-face meetings with clients. Pre- and Post meetings I use to work on my tasks related to those clients, so I don’t have to switch from topic to topic on different days (obviously this doesn’t work all the time but I try to keep mixing to a minimum)
  • I try to schedule every other unscheduled event for Fridays. This includes letting the plumber in or scheduling vet checkups.
  • Weekday mornings from 06:00-08:00 AM as well as evenings from 18:00-19:30 PM are times to read, work out, meditate and do things for me.
  • ….


This is obviously just an example. I have seen people excel at this, planning out every half an hour of the day. My personality is way to chaotic to ever achieve such a huge level of organization willingly, but I know these people are seeing incredible results. Just figure out what works for you.

Have you started blogging yet or do you want to start an online business? Download my free and easy Step by Step PDF Guide on “How to Self-Host your Blog” below : SELF HOSTING FREEBIE


5. Closing your Phone when you work!

Closing your Phone when you are at work is my the next productivity tip for entrepreneurs + bloggers on my list!

How obvious but incredibly difficult is this one, right?

This is especially a hard one for me, as I work with social media. There were times when I was literally checking my emails every other minute. However, every time you open your phone you get distracted from the task you are doing.

Personally, I am guilty of checking my email but then like on auto-pilot also checking my Instagram or Facebook. Youtube, is, in fact, the worst for me. Once I see a video I am interested in, I get sucked into the other suggested videos section. I go chase down the rabbit hole until you see me resurface 2 freaking hours later! This is a killer when you need to get things done. 

[bctt tweet=”My strategy to overcome checking my phone all the time is “granting” myself specific times when I actively “allow myself” to scroll through social media or check my emails.” username=””]

  • First, when I come back from my lunch walk with Phoebe our Dachshund and I sit down to have lunch. Because I work from home, I am usually alone and allow myself to watch a youtube video while I eat or check and reply for comments on Instagram.
  • Second, after dinner before bed and when I chill on the couch. Once I head to bed to read or meditate, I try to refrain to check my phone for emails or social. Have you experienced that thing when you receive an important email just when you are about to head to sleep and then lay awake for hours because you can’t stop thinking about that email?

Are you aware of how often you “unconsciously” check your phone and chase down the rabbit hole?


Here we go these were my “5 most important productivity tips for entrepreneurs + bloggers”. What are your strategies for being productive and what would you say is the one thing you are struggling most with as a young entrepreneur or blogger yourself?

Comment down below!




Books I love on this topic:

“You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero

“Atomic Habit” by James Clear

“The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller

“Girl Stop Apologizing” by Rachel Hollis


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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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