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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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Katie Grazer

Disclosure: *If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! *

What the Heck is a Blog Sales Funnel!?

What the Heck is a Blog Sales Funnel!?

Ever wanted to know the secret to growing your traffic, email list and selling more of your products to customers? Check out this Blog Sales Funnel I created which indicates the essentials to achieve your Bloggy Goals in 7 simple steps!

First of all, what is a Blog Sales Funnel and in particular for your Blog? So, basically a Blog Sales Funnel is the process of leading your visitor or reader from the first visit to the selling them your Product. A Blog Sales Funnel is divided into several steps, which differ depending on the particular sales model. So, my Bloggy Friends, I have Created this 7 Steps Guide to run you through my basic Sales Funnel.

Ps. you want to Start and Grow a Blog that Makes Money FAST! You’re in luck. My signature blogging course, THE BLOG STUDIO, IS OPEN for enrollment for just a few days! Don’t miss it. You don’t have to do this alone. Let me help you get to your creative online business faster. Check it out now!


1. Create your Blog & Product

Once you have created your Blog think about your End Game. Why do you want people to visit your site? Is it for views, clicks, comments or because you want to sell them your products or e-course? It’s really important to think about the pathway that you are leading for people who are visiting your Website or Blog to really make the Blog Sales Funnel work. It should be abundantly clear what you want them to do or buy. Thus:

  • Display a Title and a Headline on top of your Page explaining in 1 sentence what your Blog or Business is all about. Ideally, you could also include this in the bio of your Social Media to make your End Game and branding more consistent throughout the Web.
  • Display your Product or Service clearly on the Lead Page of your Blog or Website. You want it to be the first or at least the second thing visitors notice on your Blog.

2. Increase Traffic to your Site

Once you have your Blog set up, you want to grow traffic to increase your views and sales. Here is where it’s getting a little bit trickier and I know that a lot of people are struggling with this! But don’t worry, I got you covered! Here are 3 Expert tips on increasing traffic to your Blog to get Blog Sales Funnel going strong:

  • Don’t disregard organic traffic. It takes up to 6 months to really see a difference in organic traffic but just imagine being on top of Googles search engine and the power it could bring. Check out my Free Resource Library HERE. I have created two Freebies specifically for increasing your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your Blog and Blog Post!
  • One of the biggest kept industry secrets which is slowly getting more and more attention J is the POWER OF PINTEREST! So, where lots of Bloggers go wrong is assuming that Pinterest is another Social Media Tool, whereas in fact, it’s more of a SEARCH ENGINE like Google or Yahoo. People go on Pinterest to search for specific products, ideas, and inspiration. Therefore, if people visit from Pinterest there is a high possibility that they are your target audience and probably are interested in your content and products! So 🙂 Upgrade your Pinterest Game and feel the Power of Pinterest Traffic J
  • Facebook Groups are my no. 1 referral for more Comments on your Blog! I am currently part in several Blogging Facebook Group where you can leave a Link to your Blog Posts within certain Commenting Threads and it’s amazing to gain friends and supporters! I have created my own Facebook Group “Bloggy Badass” and it’s open and free for all WKUT readers and members!! You can CLICK HERE to join for Free!!

3. Create Freebies

So how what is the magic of growing your Email List on autopilot and Step 3 of creating your Blog Sales Funnel? It is giving your readers free additional resources, that its my friends 🙂 ! So, Freebies, Opt-Ins, LeadMagnets are all synonyms for basically the same thing – give your reader an additional free resource they can download but in order for them to receive that product they need to provide you with their email address and BOOM my Friends they are on your email list! That easy 🙂 It is literally the most efficient way to gain more followers to list!

So, what are the Steps in creating and market your Freebies:

  • Create your Freebie:
    • Lists, Checklists, Guides, How To’s, Free Stock Photos, Roadmaps … -> Check out my 50+ Lead Magnet Ideas in my Free Resource Library for you to Download HERE 🙂 )
  • Create a Pin for your post and including a small Image of your LeadMagnet!
  • Display a download Button or Image within your Post, where readers can opt-in and download their Freebie
  • Use a professional email marketing program to send your Resource to your new Subscriber!!! YEY!

Personally, I use MailChimp for my Blog Sales Funnel and I am very happy with it. Amazingly, it is free for up to 2’000 subscribers, so great for Bloggy Beginners!!! I have also only heard the best from ConvertKit if you are looking for an alternative! 🙂

4. Optimize your Website for Opt-Ins

Use Landing Pages and Lead Boxes (such as LeadPages) for optimal success is super important to grow your Email List like 1,2,3… Boom:). I have found that using a clear design on my Blog using Landing Pages helps me decrease confusion and increase my Opt-Ins by like 500% in my Blog Sales Funnel.

My Header opt-in button is my No.1 converting form and I encourage each and every one of you my Friends to include one at the top of your beautiful Website!!!

Personally, I use Lead Pages to design my Landing Pages and especially LeadBoxes which comes as an add-on! It’s truly amazing but it does come at quite the price I am afraid. However, watch out for Themes which come with a Header design that includes a Button by default as an alternative 🙂

So here are some additional Tips:

  • Add Buttons rather than Text for people to opt into your E-Mail list or buying your Products
  • Include at least four but optimally about 7 (I know J) opt-in options for readers. I have read a study that people need to read something up to 7 times to act on a call to action, so include as many opt-in forms as possible.
  • Include CTA (Calls to Action). People really need to hear “COME ON IN”, “SUBSCRIBE” or “JOIN TODAY” to act respectively!
  • Include a subscribe opt-in at the end of each blog post. I have created a dedicated LeadBox which displays an Image people can opt-in to.

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What the Heck is a Blog Sales Funnel, SALES FUNNEL, DIGITAL MARKETING

5. Send your first 3- Emails

Now for me, a big NO-NO is spamming my followers with a trillion of emails. I personally unsubscribe when people send me more than 2 email a week (oops :)) but you might be different. However, in order for you to successfully use the power of your Blog Sales Funnel and sell a product, you will need to send them a bunch of emails while navigating the fine line of informing your subscribers about your products without sounding too salesy or spammy. It is an Art my Friends 🙂 So I have outlined my Email Strategy for you down below:

Email 1:

Your first Email should be your Welcome Email. This could include the Free Resource that they want to download or just a simple Hello & Thank YOU 🙂

Email 2:

The Second Email could be a follow-up or an overview of your latest updates on your Blog.

Email 3:

With email three you should get more creative. Why don’t include a story about how you build your blog and what were the biggest struggles you encountered. It’s is really up to you but try to get personal 🙂

The first three emails are really to let your subscriber get to know you and your Blog. You should not try to sell your product as soon as someone opts-in.

6. Send Email 4-6

Start slowly advertising your product to readers within email 4-6. I have outlined how this could look like down below:

Email 4:

Provide an overview of the product you are selling like “main features” and “how this product will serve” your reader!

Email 5:

Send an email including a Deadline like “this offer ends tomorrow”!! This creates a sense of urgency and a call to action.

Email 6:

Remind your readers of the ending offer and include a Final Call!! And Boom – sell your product 🙂

7. Rinse & Repeat

Make sure people are BLOWN AWAY by your product or service and I am sure they will be happy and the first to sell the second, third and basically any product that you will come up with my Friends! That is really the magic of it! Always aim for the best and perfection and I am sure you will have no trouble building a growing and successful business!!!


I love guys!

Xx Katie


Ps. Did you already grab your Free Self-Hosting Guide? Having a Self-Hosted Blog is one of the key factors to successful Blogging. Download it for free below 😉

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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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