Your Instagram Bio is the first impression you leave on any new visitor to your Feed. Want to grow your channel, receive amazing brand opportunities and allow visitors to get to know you?
To achieve this, your Bio should include the following popular information about you and your account and you will make the BEST first Impression.
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
1. Tools
First off, let’s kick this off with some of my favorite tools to pimp your Instagram Bio below. Check out “The 45 best Instagram Tools to grow Followers” for even more inspiration.
With Contact in Bio, it super easy to connect all links and social media profiles in a single swipe up page. You can easily convert followers into customers using this micro-lending page. Contact in Bio also helps you to get in contact with your followers by showing them exactly where they can find you!
You can start creating your mini Landing Page for Instagram HERE for FREE!
BIO.FM is a beautiful way to share more of your online content in just one link and swipe up page. You start by setting up a mini page, then choose from loads of different design options and then import your content and adjust your profile by dragging your block up and down. Then you add the link to your Instagram profile and when someone clicks this link they can see your mini-page with all your other amazing content from other social media and your website.
Start sharing more of your content on Instagram now with HERE:
Bitly can be used to shorten any weird looking or very long URL into a nice short link you can use in your Instagram Bio. What I like to do is to additionally customize the link with an ending I like something like “Bitly./CheckThisOut. A staple in my Instagram Toolbox.
You can start using Bitly for FREE here.
2. Name
Before you create your account think about your brand!!! Are you a Blogger, Youtuber, Entrepreneur or Influencer, no matter what I would suggest having a single Brand name! I suggest applying your brand name CONSISTENTLY to all your social media accounts! This builds brand awareness & people start to familiarize with your name.
3. Keywords
You can add a relevant keyword for your brand, blog or business in the name and username and bio description of your profile. These are places where Instagram gets its information from when someone is searching or scrolling the discover section or searching for something. Here are my best tips:
a. Include relevant Keywords in your Name
A great idea is to include a relevant keyword within your Bio Name. You can edit your Bio Name to something like “Linda Smith | Travel on a Budget”. This way you show up in the search results for travel when someone is searching for travel on Instagram. A lot of people miss out on this hack but it’s one of the Best Tips to grow your Instagram!

b. Include relevant Keywords in your Bio
Similar to what we said with the Name, you also want to include niche relevant keyword in your Bio description. Including all those Keyword ensures Instagram that you are focusing on that niche “Interest” which is so important. Also, when people visit your Feed for the first time they immediately know what you are all about!
4. Photo
For your Instagram Bio profile picture, preferably use a portrait photo of yourself in good lighting. Further, the background should not include too many distractions. Currently, popular themes include uni-colored background such as orange, blue or pink.
Also, if you are a girl use that advantage and set up a nice Portrait photo as your profile pic. It pains me to say but Profiles with photos of a Girl/Woman tend to be clicked on significantly more than other profiles (I would also suggest to men to use a portrait as a profile pics as this will intrigue people more than in eg. a nature shot). Also, please remember this is a business decision you take, rather than a personal preference.
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
5. Value for Audience
Are you a Blogger, a Youtuber or an Influencer or a small biz owner, then please mention this in your description! Add what your passion is about and how you bring value to your followers! This is so important, Instagram accounts with a purpose or value tend to do so much better. “Fitness tips & advice”, “Funny puppy videos” or “product reviews” are examples of how to bring value to your audience!
As a lifestyle Instagrammer think about how each post could bring additional value to your reader!!! This may be just especially BUT uniquely edited pictures of you traveling, but there needs to be some kind of value for the audience!
6. Additional personal information
1) Where are you from?
2) Relationship status (engaged, married, mom)?
3) Current location & traveling next to?
Instagram is a people business and people are super nosy and would like to know more about you as well as your life. As an example, compared to the total amount of visitors, Swiss people tend to subscribe to my account a lot more (really ABOVE average) because they can relate to you and want to know more about you!
The same goes for example if you have special talents or play a specific sport. People like to relate to someone and in order to grow your channel, this is essential to gain REAL FANS rather than silent observers.
7. Contact Information
In order for business and other Instagrammers to reach you, you need to provide them with an email address or some kind of contact form. More importantly, I would even suggest to set up a dedicated email account including your Brand name which you only use for your Blog/Insta/Youtube communication. Reasons, why someone would want to contact you directly, could be collaborations, sponsorships as well as blog Inquires!
8. Call to Action
Optional, but defiantly effective, is a call for ACTION which could be:
- GET X using special PROMO CODES etc.
This might not seem as much but it is highly effective!!!
9. Link to Blog/Website/Store
Important! If you have a blog or a YouTube channel link to it in your Instagram Bio and harness your followers to the rest of your SOCIAL MEDIA. Stop thinking of Social Media sources as individual fighters but rather one great connected source to promote your brand!
Use Link Tree
If you are present on various Social Media and you own a Blog which is covering similar topics, you may want to include a LinkTree within your Bio. Link Tree is a free service that opens up a new swipe up tab where you can include several links on your profile.
Instagram allows you to only one include one single link. This means we have to think about very carefully where people should be led when clicking that link. Maybe we do have various channels which are focusing on your niche then you can set up a LinkTree. However, I can’t stress this enough: only link to relevant media!

10. Emoticons
Use emoticons in front of every section of your Instagram Bio, in order to indicate what it is about. You can be very creative or on the other hand, use the generally accepted emoticons used by lots of Instagrammers (see screenshot as inspiration)
I hope this blog post was helpful! If you have additional comments or questions PLEASE COMMENT BELOW and let me know & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE 😉 You might also like “What you need to film a successful YouTube Video!”
xoxo Katie
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
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