There are many different situations where you could need a blog icon on your website such as within blog posts, in your blog logo or for your favicon. In this post, I go over where to find free and amazing blog icons and how to use them throughout your website (+Video Tutorial).
I also believe that blog icons can be really helpful in the design of your logo or for a fun favicon. That’s why I have also included a quick overview of how to create a logo for your blog and where you can set up your blog favicon.
1. FlatIcon
FlatIcon is a database of Icons from various designers where you can download a blog icon for free. You can also purchase them if you need the icons for commercial use or you can reference the designer within your post.
There are over 46’000 different blog icon sets you can download from FlatIcon which is seriously amazing. As your blog is unique you might want to have blog icons that match your branding.
And here comes the AMAZING part – you can change the color of the blog icon set and adapt it to your chosen color scheme (brand colors). To illustrate this, I have made a quick video on how I use FlatIcon yourself:
2. Creating a Logo
Your Logo is a very important part of your brand. It’s the thing you put on top of your website, into your favicon, on your business cards and email signatures. Your brand Logo should include your name, brand name, company name or initials and have a unique design. On top of that, it should be consistent throughout your online presence. You really don’t want to confuse the people holding your business card when they visit your blog or website.
I am not a professional designer, and creating a unique logo that does not look like everyone else’s is difficult. So, what I usually do when clients ask me to design a logo or I need a logo for my own blog or business is, I hire a professional designer. Fiverr is a platform I use all the time to hire people for specific tasks which either take me too long or I am simply not an expert in.
Obviously, a professional designer will do a better job designing my logo then I will, and most importantly take me way less time I can use otherwise! On Fiverr you can search for your professional logo makers and build a relationship with them, explaining exactly what you are looking for and what vision you have of your brand logo.
I would always read the individual reviews and you can also select more experienced designers by setting filters. I have seen quotes for $5/hour, so set your budget and go look for your trusted logo designer!
3. Favicon
Your favicon is the little square image that appears when someone opens your blog in their browser window. Instead of this being a grey blurb, it’s amazing to include your blog icon or another illustration that represents your blog and brand.
I created my Favicon with Canva which you can start using totally for free and which is my favorite design software. Once you have downloaded your Favicon you can include it into your blog. For me, this is within my Blog Theme.
This might look a bit different depending on which theme you use for your website but here is where I can include my blog favicon:
Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Favicon
I hope you found this useful and that you found the perfect blog icon or more inspiration for your website.
Xx Katie
Ps: Here is a my Guide on “How to Brand your Blog” – READ BLOG POST + FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
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