Are you asking yourself why you are losing followers on Instagram and what you can do to reverse this? No problem, I got you covered. Here are 14+ reason why you are losing followers and how you can solve this so you gain new followers on Instagram instead:
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
Ps. For even more Social Media Hacks? and fun inspiration on Traveling the World?, Popping up the Bubbles? and Cute Puppy Pics?, come and say hi?” on my Instagram account “whatskatieupto” HERE!
1. Low-quality content
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Do we need to work on your content? How do you feel about showing your feed to other people? Are you proud of the images, the presentation, and the layout of it? If no, we may need to dig a little deeper. People might be put off by the content, imagery or just sheer quality of your images. If this is the problem don’t worry, we can fix this.
The solution to low-quality content:
First of all, check out my free Guide on how to create the perfect Instagram just below. It’s a free guide you can download I go into a lot of details and give you inspiration on how you could style your feed.
Second, we can work on the overall look of your feed. Here are my favorite tools I use to creating a gorgeous feed:
- The Lightroom App or desktop version to edit your images or Canva to create beautiful quotes and illustrations.
- The “UNUM App” to plan and play around with the layout and sequence of your feed images.
- Tailwind for scheduling your posts, so you can know exactly when which post has to go live in order to implement the feed you planned in UNUM.
2. Posting inconsistently
I know that so many people struggle to post consistently and it could be why you are losing followers on Instagram. Half the work is done by just showing up. Ideally every single day. Now, personally, I am posting once per day plus I am doing daily Instagram stories you can check out HERE. I want to connect with my audience through posts by simply being there for them.
Additionally, when posting consistently you are showing Instagram that you have authority in that niche and that you are showing up for them. Instagram is all about how they can increase the time people spend on the app so if you are showing up for your audience Instagram will make sure to show your content to them!
The solution to posting inconsistently:
Now you might think to post every single day is a struggle and a lot of work and I agree. This is why I am planning my feed for 30 days in advance. Yup, you heard right! Sounds crazy but is very effective, keeps me on track, I am way less overwhelmed and I can focus on the stories I want to film for that day.
I am using Tailwind to schedule out all my post in advance. Here is how you can structure this:
- Write my 30 captions in a Google Doc
- Find relevant Hashtags on Instagram
- Select your 30 images and use UNUM to create a cohesive feed
- Upload your Images to Tailwind, add you Captions and Hashtag
- Schedule your posts
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
3. Not posting what people are interested in
Maybe the reason why you are losing followers on Instagram is that you are not posting what your audience is actually interested in. Maybe they followed you for a post or story you posted three weeks ago showing your cute puppy, like I do all the time on my Instagram HERE. But then you go-ahead for the next weeks showing beauty or fashion tutorial which this person is just not interested in so they unsubscribe.
The Solution for not posting what people are actually interested in!
My first tip is to check your “Instagram Analytics”. If you switched to a business or creator account you can view your analytics straight from the app. If you are a private account I would check our Iconosquare. What are your most successful posts? The ones with the most likes and comments? Make a list of them and see if there is a pattern you missed so far.
Second, use polls in your Instagram stories to actually ask your audience what they want to see more off. There are now three different ways to ask your audience, Polls, Questions, and Quizzes you can use to get to know your audience! Then repeat what worked, give your audience what they want!
4. Not your niche or constantly changing it
This is a problem myself and a lot of people are guilty of. We are constantly changing our niche or posting stuff which is totally off-topic. Now, this is especially relevant if you are a blogger or you want to build a brand.
If you are constantly changing the focus of your Instagram feed, you are always leaving a big chunk of your audience back out there in the rain. They may have followed you for your amazing breakfast recipe but now you suddenly decide you want to be a beauty blogger. This is not going to work and 100% the reason why you are losing followers on Instagram.
The Solution for constantly changing or not posting on a niche!
Either start building a lifestyle brand where you regularly post about 4-6 topics consistently. I totally get it I am a human being with so many interests: But you know what your audience is too, so it can definitely work. Just make sure you rotate through your most popular topics once or every other week so that you are hitting your audience with relevant content regularly.
Or, if you have the willpower to stick to one single niche, stick to it without excuses and to be honest, you will probably find it easier to grow as well as create viral content. Just make sure you stick with it.
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5. Not writing any or writing boring Captions
If you are not writing any captions, you are writing boring captions or just using emojis as captions you are leaving out a big part of Instagram marketing which could be the reason why you are losing followers on Instagram.
Now, I totally get it! Writing captions is so so hard. It can feel like too much and why would anybody care about your thoughts anyways. I have been there and get it. Here are my best tips for creating engaging captions:
Solutions for not writing any or writing boring Captions
- Never write captions and publish them and your post in real-time
- Plan out your feed in advance with Tailwind, whether this is one week or one month in advance.
- Use stories and storytelling to connect with people
- Write down everyday thoughts, funny phrases, stories which happened throughout the day into your notes app on your phone. This way you are never running out of ideas. Tie in everyday personal stories into your captions which connect to your brand or product with your personality.
- Write your captions in bulk. Leave them for a week and come back to copywrite and proofread them.
- Add emojis
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
6. A confusing Bio
In your Instagram Bio, you should introduce yourself and give your visitors an idea of what you or your brand is all about. Maybe you are confusing the heck out of your audience by using different names, various topics, no links and no emojis in your bio. Remember your Instagram Bio is your first impression and you want to convince your visitor to take some kind of actions either subscribe, like, visit your site or buy your product. Are you doing this?
The solution to a confusing Bio:
-> Check out my full post on “How to create a killer Instagram Bio” here.
7. Going MIA
Have you gone MIA on your audience? Well, I for sure have and it has a 100% to do with social media overwhelm and the comparison game. Are you struggling to be consistent and posting regularly so you just one day decide this is it, I am done with that? Or are you constantly comparing yourself to other people who seem to be so much better, smarter and cuter? We need to show up for our audience otherwise they won’t show up for us!
The solution to going MIA:
Check out my tips on how to be consistent on Instagram (Point 2). This is a tip which has transformed my Instagram feed and the feeling of overwhelm.
You may want to unfollow people you are constantly comparing yourself with. In order for you to become your best self and bring your own voice to your audience, stop comparing yourself and putting yourself down! If the only way is to unfollow people DO IT!
8. Using Wrong or no hashtags
It has been shown that hashtags can significantly increase the engagement and reach of your posts. So, if you are not using hashtags this could be why you are losing followers on Instagram.
The solution to using the wrong or no hashtags:
Well, first of all, I recommend starting to use hashtags 😉 You are allowed to add up to 30 hashtags to a post and up to 10 hashtags per story!
Second, do you perform hashtag research? I recommend using a mix of competitive and niche hashtags which are relevant to your content niche. Hashtags such as #blogger or #travelbug (8.6M posts) have millions of posts so it will be hard for you to appear on the hashtags top pages. Research hashtags which your audience is using and are less competitive such as #bittenbythetravelbug (5000+ posts). Check out this hashtag where I am ranking on the top pages with two posts:
Third, I love using the “Tailwind Hashtags Finder” once you are in the app, you can start writing your caption. The tool will provide you with hashtag ideas which are color-coded according to competitiveness. Start your free Tailwind trial HERE!
-> In addition to these tips check out my post “6 Instagram Hashtag Strategies to Triple your Likes” here.
-> Plus check out my post “How to go Viral on Instagram” for tips on why it’s important to appear on the Hashtag Top Pages
9. Overposting
Now overposting could totally be the problem why you are losing followers on Instagram. I love to see other peoples posts and stories but if someone is just constantly bugging me with their content such as by posting 5 posts a day and 100 Instagram stories, I am gonna unfollow them because I also want to see other people’s content.
The Solution for “Overposting”
This is like being in a relationship. You want to be together all the time but you know deep down that is not a good idea! You will get on each other’s nerves and break up in the end (unfollow them in Instagram terms). A little distance can sometimes work wonders plus you get people excited about your consent.
Check out my tips on how to be consistent on Instagram (Point 2), my personal belief is that 1 post a day plus a couple of stories a day are the perfect formula.
10. Being too “Salesy”
If you are constantly selling something or promoting a brand you are gonna put people off in no time. I am seeing bigger accounts and influencer doing this all the time! Now that FTC regulations force you to add #ad or #sponsored or #gifted you do realize that literally every single post they post is sponsored. I am sure that you are absolutely the same when it comes to you and the people you follow. We hate to be sold to all the time.
The Solution for being too “Salesy”
- Follow the 80/20 rule! Post 80% free content and 20% ads, sponsored content or promoted products.
- Only do genuine collaborations where you have tested the product in advance.
- Build long term relationships with brands. Your followers will notice that you are only promoting brands and products you truly love.
- If you are a shop, try to mix up your content with inspirational or motivational content.
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
11. Shadowban
If you are buying followers, if you are spamming other peoples account with comments or likes or if you are using bots to try to outsmart the algorithm, Instagram could be shadowbanning you for not complying with their terms of services.
Shadowbanning means that people who aren’t following you won’t see your posts on their feed, explore tab or the hashtag search. There is always a natural fluctuation in followers on any Instagram account but if you are not gaining any new follower but your account won’t show up for new ones then this could be why you are losing followers on Instagram.
The solution to prevent a “Shadowban”
Follow the tips I have mentioned in this post, also check out these articles on how to grow a tribe on Instagram in an authentic way.
-> The 45+ Best Instagram Tools to Grow Followers
-> 6 Instagram Hashtag Strategies to Triple your Likes
-> How to go Viral on Instagram
12. Follow / Unfollow
You might be the victim of the follow/unfollow strategy on Instagram. This is a strategy where people will follow you so you follow them back. But once you do, they will manually unfollow or use unfollow apps to bulk unfollow people they added.
The Solution for the Follow/Unfollow Game
This is a common strategy on Instagram and there is little to do for you. Make sure you create quality content where people can’t wait for your next post so it does not matter when you do get one or the other unfollower a day.
13. Not engaging
This is such a big one! If you are not engaging with your audience why would they engage with you? If you are simply posting and then leaving your audience out there to dry why would they continue to follow you.
Solution not engaging
- Set a timer for when you are going online each day. This could be 10 -30 min. Setting a timer also helps with the social media overwhelm and makes sure you are not going down the rabbit hole and end up spending 2hours on Instagram.
- When you are going online like, comment and engage with your CURRENT following.
- Plus reply to every single comment you get.
Let me know what you thought of this post and COMMENT DOWN BELOW what your biggest struggle is when it comes to Instagram!
Xoxo Katie
Also, don’t miss to download my FREE INSTAGRAM PDF GUIDE on “How to Find your Instagram WHY to become Successful on the Platform” here:
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