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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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My Everyday Morning Routine as a professional Blogger working from Home!

My Everyday Morning Routine as a professional Blogger working from Home!

Today I want to shed some light on my everyday morning routine as a blogger and how this affects my ability to work effectively and productively from home.

Maybe you are a new entrepreneur as me or a blogger who has taken the leap of faith and started their own biz. You are struggling to get your things done because there are so many distractions when working from home!?

[bctt tweet=”If you would leave it up to my nature given personality, which is not very well organized, tidy nor productive (i love binge watching Netflix), I would never get anything done!” username=””]

Obviously, for us entrepreneurs, this would kill our business! As an entrepreneur or blogger working from home, you need to be productive and focused.

Now let me tell you this!

In the beginning, I was NOT!

I would get distracted super easily with laundry, making fancy breakfasts for myself, watching YouTube video or sleeping in!


Now, obviously I am also very determined to make my biz and blog successful, so after the first ecstasy of freedom and weeks of sleeping in, I realized I needed to change something!

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Working from home can be a blessing but also really hard! I started to write down the things which would always delay me in the morning or distract me or annoy me, and would constantly pre-occupy my time which I should have been spending working my butt off.

Do you want to become a Blogger working from home? Check out my Step by Step PDF Guide on “How to Self-Host your Blog” below. Self-hosting means you own your Blog which is a crucial part if you want to turn your Blog into a Business: SELF HOSTING FREEBIE


So my “distractions” list looked something like this:

  • The apartment is messy from yesterday evening, so instead of starting work at 8 am, I am tidying for 15 min.
  • I press “snooze” three times because I am so exhausted from binge-watching Netflix yesterday.  
  • I make myself a fancy “ Instagram-worthy” breakfast taking me 30min.
  • Before I even take a shower or get out of bed, I check my phone for emails and social media.
  • My goal is to work out in the morning but I never get up early enough. If I do end up working out in the morning, I need until 10 am to get ready for the day and start working.
  • Going on a walk with Phoebe (our little dachshund) three times a day.

These are just examples but the list was even way longer. It took me so much energy and effort to be ready to start working at 08:00 am, I honestly barely started at 10:00 am!

The next step for me was determining “What was my ideal Morning Routine”?

What were the things I wanted to achieve BEFORE I started to work and would put me in a place of action, not reaction?


My Ideal Morning Routine as a Blogger looks like this:

06:00 – Drink a glass of Water / or Juice with an Apple Cider Vinegar shot

06:00 – Reading time min 30min

06:20 – Journaling

06:30 – Workout

07:00 – Meditation

07:10 – Shower + Makeup

07:40 – Supplements

07:50 – Coffee and Instagram Story.

08:00 – Start Work

(Disclaimer: I am still not able to pull this off every single day but building habits takes repetition, you guys)!

These are the things I want to do in the morning. However, what was happening was that I was cleaning, tidying, procrastinating, and going on walks.

I started to compare the list I made of the things which were distracting me from the things I really wanted to do, the things on my ideal Morning Routine list.


How I achieve my everyday Morning Routine:

One by one I went through my list and dissected, how I could eliminate, move or optimize the task to achieve my ideal Morning Routine as a Blogger working from home.


Here are some examples:  

  • The apartment is messy from yesterday evening, so instead of starting work at 8 am, I am tidying for 15 min.

  • Tidy in the evening for 10 min before you go to bed! Your house is tidy when you wake up and you lose zero time. (Now please don’t laugh at me, maybe you are super organized and things like that are just tattooed into your DNA, girl it is not into mine! I am struggling with stuff like that).


  • I press “snooze” three times because I am so exhausted from binge-watching Netflix yesterday.  

  • Go to your room at 10 pm. Take your time to remove your makeup, read and be ready for lights out at 11:00 pm.


  • I make myself a fancy “Instagram-worthy” breakfast taking me 30 min.

  • Meal-Prep breakfast for the week on Sunday, so once you get hungry you can just go to the fridge and take out your Birchermuesli 😉


  •  Before I even take a shower or get out of bed, I check my phone for emails and social media

  • You know you will start work at exactly 08:00 am. This means you don’t have to worry about emails until then. Right now it’s time to relax and have time for yourself.


  • My goal is to work out in the morning but I never get up early enough. If I do end up working out in the morning, I need until 10 am to get ready for the day and start working.

  • Get over yourself, prep your workout clothes in the evening (sleep in them if it helps – just make it happen)


  • Going on a walk with Phoebe (our little dachshund) three times a day

  • Talk to your amazing fiancé and explain why it’s important he goes on the morning walk with the doggy so you can get your workout in, look and feel good and be the best partner you can be!


It does not come naturally to me!

Now, as I said, maybe you are a person who does all of these things naturally. I just want to tell this from my perspective and I have many many talents but for being organized, I have to work. To sum it up, I have been able to start work at 08:00 am every single day working from home, for the past 8 months!

My apartment is clean I am not distracted by random socks laying around and I get to work. I have done a workout, which means I don’t have to worry or feel bad all day because I know I will not have the crucial time to do something for myself later that day. My reading is done before I have worked and I have learned something for myself.

This goes on and on and on….

[bctt tweet=”My everyday Morning Routine as a Blogger has been the determining factor for being able to successfully work from home.” username=””]

Now, obviously, this looks different for you…Your priorities are different, your life is different…Maybe you have three kids, maybe you go to night school….

My point is, figure out what is distracting you in your home and is keeping you from working. Then figure out the key things you want to achieve before you can start to work and MAKE IT HAPPEN!


How does your Everyday Morning Routine working from home look like?

Are you struggling with it like I did or are you in full on beast mode when it comes to your morning routine?

COMMENT BELOW – I love nothing more than to connect with you and hear your thoughts!

Xoxo Katie


Books which have really helped me with this are:


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My everyday Morning Routine as a professional Blogger working from Home

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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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