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Hi, I'm Katie.

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy. When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next gardening project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of Rosé of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?


Learn how to leverage Pinterest to grow your Biz + Influence online!


Katie Grazer

Disclosure: *If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! *

How to set up a Pinterest Business Account in 6 Minutes or less!

A Pinterest business account can unlock a goldmine of traffic for your business website or Blog. 

But what is a Pinterest Business Account? Can you not simply use your personal Pinterest account and what if you already started using it for business. 

Don’t worry. We cover it and more in this post. 

Heads up Pinterest is my jam, and I’ve got a ton of goodies, and additional resources jammed up here in this post. So, keep an eye out for more helpful tips and tricks.

If you are confused about why Pinterest works so well for businesses in the first place, check out this post: How to drive traffic to your website with Pinterest to attract your dream client.

Want to implement what you’re gonna learn in this post? Download your free Pinterest Business Account Checklist.

Psssst. You can also watch the video that goes with this post here: 

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What is a Pinterest Business Account

Alright, so what is a Pinterest Business Account, and why should you convert to one if you already own a personal account. 

A Pinterest Business account is free but unlocks all kinds of additional features that someone using Pinterest for personal use simply doesn’t need. 

Here are a few examples, a free Pinterest Business Account unlocks :

  • Advanced Analytics. So you can see what people are engaging with the most. 
  • Rich Pins, which gives each of your pins additional information such as metadata to rank higher on Pinterest, product information such as price or availability, or video pins that are trending on Pinterest right now. Learn more about and how to set up Rich Pins here: How to set up Rich Pins in 3 simple steps.
  • Pinterest Ads if you want to dip your toe into the ads world and spend some additional money, making sure your pins reach your target audience. 
  • The ability to claim your website. When you convert to a business account, you can connect your site, which gives extra juju and credibility to your account and helps your pin rank higher on Pinterest. 
  • Helpful Resources directly from Pinterest. Don’t you think that other social media are always so cryptic about their guidelines and what they want from us? Not Pinterest. They give you a ton of resources to use the platform to succeed. 

Now there are even more, but I figure this is enough to process right :)? Alright, what else is important?

A Pinterest Business Account is free!

By creating a Pinterest Business Account, you unlock the mentioned features above totally for free.  You don’t have to pay to make Pinterest work, and I teach you all about that on this Blog. 

Pinterest makes money primarily with ads and you can use ads on Pinterest if you want. They can boost your reach, but the amazing thing is you don’t have to use ads to rock on Pinterest. 

That’s one reason I love Pinterest so much and why I’ve made it my mission to teach you all about it here. You can use Pinterest as a business without having to spend a dime. 

In other posts, I show you how actually to grow your reach on Pinterest, and ads are not necessary. 

Ok, now, if you think that a Pinterest Business Account could be helpful, then let’s set up your account together. I walk you through the how in the video below.

And remember, everything about Pinterest Business is free. There are no hidden costs. Pinterest wants businesses to be on their platform. 

Video Tutorial: Set up a Pinterest Business Account

Start your free Pinterest Business Account here!

Did you get stuck somewhere?

This post might help: How to sign up and log in to Pinterest.

Alrighty, Next Steps:

1. Brand your Pinterest Profile

Now that you created your account (check out how to log in here if you are having trouble), you’re going to need to name it and write a description. 

You can edit your Pinterest profile by clicking onto your avatar image in the right corner and then select the settings. Here is the rundown of the most important steps: 

  • Use your name or the name of your brand.
  • Make sure to add a description and use keywords relevant to your brand.
  • Everything on your Pinterest profile that contains text is searchable and can get people to your profile and website.
  • Add your Pinterest profile image. Like other social media platforms, your image speaks to your brand and showcase who you are. Pick a beautiful, clear picture that will help you stand out.

So, make sure you spend the time and fill out all the options to input information.

Here is how my Pinterest profile looks like:

Pinterest Business Account katie grazer whatskatieupto.com

Want to implement what you’re learning? Don’t forget to download your free Pinterest Business Account Checklist.

2. Create Boards 

Now that your profile is up and running, it’s time to create your boards. Here are my top tips for setting up your boards:

  • The more targeted you are with your niche, the better chance you have that the pins within your boards go viral. Select 10 topics (one per board) that describe your brand and stick to them. Don’t through in a food board when your business offers Tax services, just because you think that’s popular on Pinterest. 
  • Pinterest board names are vital to the Pinterest algorithm. Make sure you are careful when you choose board names as they are searchable. Check out this post if you want the full rundown on how to name your boards: 45 Best Pinterest Board Names.
  • Choose a category for each board; this is also relevant for the algorithm and gives it more information. Find out more about Categories here: How to choose Pinterest Categories for your Boards.
  • Finally, fill out the board description for each board and try to add relevant keywords to the text. I always try to make the text sound natural. Nobody wants to see a list of keywords.

3. Create Pins + Upload Pins

I use Canva to create beautiful pins within seconds, and it’s so easy. After you have your first set of pins, let’s say 3-5, head over to your new Pinterest business account, and get ready to upload. My video shows you how to do it manually. 

4. Pin Frequency

With the recent updates to Pinterest, you need to make sure you’re putting out 15-20 pins every day. If you’re new to all of this, don’t worry, you can pin 15-20 pins to Pinterest on autopilot without spending hours. 

Thank goodness for Canva and Tailwind. But we get to this in a different post. 

If you want to learn more about why exactly 15-20 pins and why pinning frequency is important check out this post for more juicy details: How often should you pin to Pinterest (+ Pins per Day Calculation)

Now, if you have known about Pinterest for a while, you know that for years it was all about re-pinning other people’s pins and keeping your account active. Well, with the new changes, Pinterest is looking at accounts that send out 15-25 pins per day max. 

Yes, less is more nowadays. 

It doesn’t mean that you can’t go over it, but they’re now paying more attention to quality over quantity.

Need help creating beautiful Pins? No problemo. Check out this free downloadable PDF Pin Design Guide here:

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5. Engage with Followers and potential Customers

Now, its time to engage with people and find potential customers. 

Make sure you dedicate some time each week to follow new, relevant accounts and check out some of their pins. People get a notification when they get a new follower, and this direct interaction can be a great starting point for getting to know your audience on Pinterest.

Get into the habit of understanding your ideal customer’s behavior on Pinterest. It will make creating content that is relevant to them so much easier.

Now, you see, there is a lot more that goes into attracting your ideal customer on Pinterest, so I’ve written some killer posts about it, which you can check out here if you want to learn more:

-> Get your next 10 clients from Pinterest to your website.

-> How to grow your Pinterest Account fast.

-> How to use Pinterest to grow your Blog.

Want to implement what you’ve just learned? Download your free Pinterest Business Account Checklist.

Pinterest can be such a great tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Honestly, it’s my passion, and if you still have questions or are confused about how Pinterest can help you make money, let me know in the comments asap.

I can’t wait to see your Pinterest Business Account pop up. That’s it from me for today, and talk to you super soon, 

Xx Katie

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I'm Katie!

Hey there, gorgeous! I'm your go-to gal for all things pretty, practical, and Pinterest-worthy.

When I'm not crafting swoon-worthy aesthetics or perfecting my blog game, you can find me daydreaming about my next foodie project or indulging in a Netflix binge (with a side of chocolate, of course). Dive into my world of curated product picks, blogging tips that actually work, and a sprinkle of humor because life's too short for boring bios. Join me, and let's make everyday life a little more fabulous and a lot more fun!

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