My friends still don’t quite understand what I do for a living, and I get it.
Teaching people how to use blogging and social media to grow their online business is not the corporate 9-5 job I trained for studying business, accounting, and finance. It can, for sure, sound a bit crazy. Maybe this sounds familiar?
- Isn’t blogging like so 1999?
- Blogging is so dead, haven’t you heard of TickTock, Insta, and Snapchat?
- Everybody has a blog, who the * cares about your cat, and what you ate for lunch!? I’ve got my own life!
And most importantly: I’m not a blogger. I’m a business, a Brick and Mortar Store, Coach, Copywriter, YouTuber, Instagramer, Etsy Seller, Teacher, Consultant, and Co.! Yea, yea, I get it!
You think blogging isn’t for you or for your biz!
Well, girl, you might have guessed, I see it a bit differently.
In short, your blog helps you attract, nurture, and convert an audience of fans that can actually turn your hobby into a business.
Let me explain. Here are 6 reasons why your online biz needs a Blog
A blog helps you: ATTRACT
So, maybe you’ve got a business website, but no one ever visits.
This is one of the first things I hear as a blogging coach all the time.
You’ve got all these fantastic products, services, or offers, but rarely anybody visits your site. You barely scrape by! Franky, you kind of thought once your website was up and running, people would kind of just show up.
Oops. They didn’t.
Don’t feel bad, it’s ok.
But, the hard truth is the online space is becoming more and more crowded. Just having a website without doing any promotion is getting you nowhere. This is where your blog comes in.
It’s the perfect client attraction machine.
Let me ask you a quick question. Where are people actually coming from when they visit your site. Usually, that’s through a link you’ve got on your social network or if you’re lucky and one of your pages show up on Google right?
Well, here’s how your blog can help you get a ton of people to your website!
- WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org – Which Blogging Platform should you use!
- 10 Huge mistakes amateur Bloggers make and how to fix them
1. Attract people from social media
Think about it. Maybe your business website has got three to four pages a:
- Homepage,
- Work with me page
- About me page
So that’s precisely three different pages you could attract people to, right?
(Let’s just take out e-commerce for a sec 😉 )
If you’ve got a blog, on the other hand, you could have dozens of posts, filled with relevant and helpful information about your business, niche, or topic. Each of those posts you can promote on social and attract the right people to your offers on auto-pilot!
Social media is all about content. Fresh content every single day or week.
What if you could create a single blog post a week and then use it and repurpose it on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.
Can you imagine how much exposure your website could get with one new post a week?
Yes! I know! Ok, reason No.2, here we go:
2. Improve your SEO / Google
Hate to say it, but your website won’t just appear on Google.
I thought it would when I started blogging 11 years ago, #sadface, but it didn’t, and I got super confused.
Have you heard about SEO? It stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s the art of optimizing your website and blog post so that they rank high on Google. Every time someone types in a keyword or keyphrase that’s relevant to your business, your website shows up as part of the suggestions.
Now, what are people doing who hang out on Google? Everything people do on Google is looking for answers!
- Answers to problems.
- Answers for which product to buy.
- Solutions what to do.
And that’s why Google loves Blogs!
Why? Because Google wants to provide the person who’s typing in a question, an answer with the best solution. Usually, that’s in the form of an in-depth description (a blog post), a video, or an image or product recommendation that solves exactly that problem.
Do you have a separate page on your website where you explain exactly which problems your products and services solve? Even if you’re selling a physical product. Are you going above and beyond explaining everything your potential client needs to know and the next steps to use your product?
Or, is your website again more the type A website with a Welcome, About Me, and Products section?
And even if you’ve got a separate page answering that problem. How in-depth is it? How much are your competitors writing about the same issue?If you were Google, would you recommend your website as the top resource for answering that question or solving that problem?
If you have a blog, you can create a stellar blog post covering common questions and problems your clients and customers have and solve them!Wouldn’t that be a sick way of attracting your ideal customer to your website from Google?
? Found this post useful and inspiring? Want to read it later? Save THIS PIN to your Blogging Board on Pinterest!
A blog helps you: NURTURE.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting much more conscious and picky about what I buy and from whom I buy.
Fist of all, there’re a ton of scammers all over! Second of all, I like to buy from people I trust! Third, there’re specific values I want the brand I purchase from to share with me!
Why? Cause I care, and I know you care too!
- You care about the environment.
- You care about the planet.
- You care about the wages people get when they produce goods.
- You care about the waste it created and …
- You care about whether or not they tested the product on animals!
No, this doesn’t mean you’re a crazy psycho. Trying to make everybody else feel bad about themselves, take all the fun out of living, or go full-on hippie vegan refusing to shower and curse everybody who does not share those values!
But when you can, you’d like to contribute to a company that shares those values.
If you’re like that, aren’t your customers the same?
Does your website educate people?
Build long-lasting trust?
Convey your values?
If not yet, here’s how a blog can help:
3. Build the Know, Like and Trust Factor
It’s pretty simple, people buy from people they trust.
How do you build trust?
They’re a couple of ways you can build trust, but a great way of doing so is to show up for them through a blog.
On blog you can:
- Educate on topics people are struggling with within your niche. Then, provide free solutions and helpful tips.
- Serve your audience continuously, giving free content away without expecting anything in return.
- Nurture your audience, by showing up, asking for feedback, replying to comments, creating a community of like-minded people.
It’s so powerful!
4. Let your Voice & Personality shine through.
This may be less true for classic brands, but if you’ve got a personal brand, a blog is a great way to show off your little quirks, personality treats, and again values.
A blog is a great way to let your voice shine through. This is so important. The internet and social media are getting so crowded.
- Doing what everybody else is doing is getting you nowhere.
- Saying what everybody else is saying is getting you nowhere!
Once you let your voice shine through your posts, you’re gonna attract and repel people, and that’s ok. At least you’re going to stand out from the crowd.
You’re You!
There’s only one you.
No one will ever be you.
That’s your chance to wow your audience.
If you manage to show up authentically on your blog and consistently prove your value to your audience, the right people will stick and love what you’re doing!
A blog helps you COVERT.
We saved the best for last! The one problem I hear the most is:
- No one is buying my products!
- I’m not making any sales!
- I’m not growing any followers!
- People aren’t converting on anything!
You might be thinking, if this is the one question you’re getting the most, why didn’t you start with this one!
Well, girl, if you’re not getting anyone on your website and you’re not building any trust with the people that do, who are you going to sell to? A helpful blog that attracts and builds trust can be incremental to converting people into followers and then potential buyers.
Let me explain more:
5. Streamline your social media followers in one place
We’ve got this love-hate relationship with social media, don’t we? We mainly hate it because of the ever-changing algorithms!
Oh, algorithms.
You hustle, hustle more, and eventually grow a little tribe. But then, dun dun dun… a new update comes along that supposedly should help you connect with your followers! But all it does is limit your reach and destroys all you’ve worked for the past year.
Maybe shit really hits the fan and your account that you’ve built over the past years gets marked as spam, gets blocked, taken down or hacked.
Everything you’ve built is gone.
Yup, it all happened before.
Well, here’s the dealio!
You don’t own your social media account. The Zuckerberg and Spiegel’s do! And they’re all about their own company making billions of dollars with ads and stuff themselves. They don’t care about you.
No offense, Mark Zucker…
If you’re building your business on the foundation of social media, it’s absolutely existential that you streamlining all of those subscribers in one place. In a place that you own and control. Yes, you’ve guessed right.
On your blog.
And, more specifically, your email list.
An email list is a separate service where you collect email addresses and store them. You can download the list of email subscribers wherever you are, and this email list belongs to you.As long as someone has granted you the right to email them, you can email this blog subscriber on your terms. No algorithm necessary!
Now, where do you gather Email Addresses a.k.a. Blog Subscribers?
Yes, you guessed, right! On your blog!
- 5 Best Tips on How to go Viral on Pinterest (2020 Algorithm Update)
- 6 Tips how to Beat the Instagram Algorithm
6. Convert – Growing Leads & Making Moolah
In sections one and two, we’ve established that two of the most common places where people discover and then arrive from to your blog are Google and Social Media, right?
When a new person lands on your website, maybe they:
- heard of you,
- already subscribed to you on social or…
- are brand new and have never heard of you before.
Usually, people who are new to your brand are referred to as cold traffic. Cold meaning, they don’t know you and haven’t warmed up to you. That’s why you want them to subscribe to your blog. You want to add them to your email list. From there, you send out a regular email newsletter that is warming up your audience.
Your subscribers go from cold to warm.
In your weekly newsletter, you share your blog posts, and if you stick to it, your subscribers start to trust you. Once you served, served, served through your blog and newsletters, then FINALLY, AND NOT BEFORE, you ask for something in return.
Yes, I’m talking about moolah and handing over their Credit Cards!
- The Best Email List Building Services for Bloggers
- 6 Steps how to Grow Blog Subscribers with Quizzes
- How to use Convertkit Forms to grow Blog Subscribers on Autopilot
Well, that’s my case.
Thank you so much for sticking around here on my blog, and I’d love to see your blog pop up on the internet soon! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and, in the meantime, stay safe!
Lots of Love